Digital Media

Here are some various audio and visual digital media projects from this semester and the previous.

This audio project is from my Writing for the Public class taken during the Fall 2022 semester. I wrote this audio essay on political polarization using my town as a case study. This piece highlights my small town's reaction to Jarrod Kuhn's participation in the 2016 Unite the Right Rally. Read more about this case study here.

Infographic describing political polarization. Light purple background with text, graphs, and Republican and Democratic party symbols.

This is an infographic I created to visually represent the audio story above. It shows what political polarization is and how it has increased in recent years in a more digestable form. Download the file or view it in a larger interface here.

This is a soundscape I created this semester for my Composing Digital Media class. My goal was to use sound to recreate the experience of a person going to the gym, thus allowing the listener to feel as though they are living in the storyline.

Infographic encouraging people to stop using cigarettes. Black background with person smoking. Cigarette with smoke forming
                Nike swoosh shape. White text reading DONT DO IT followed by text reading Cigarette smoking causes one in five deaths
                in the United States each year.

This visual argument is also from my Composing Digital Media course. My project is titled “Don’t Do It” and is an anti-smoking campaign. It is a play on Nike’s iconic “Just Do It” campaigns. I wanted to mimic something very recognizable for this project without replicating it exactly. The simplicity of these campaigns is what inspired my design and I think it translated well to the final result. The straightforwardness of the design draws the viewer’s attention directly to the message, which is to not smoke. I am also very content with how the cigarette and smoke formed into a shape implying the Nike logo, a move that I feel points the viewer exactly in the direction of a Nike campaign. For more information and to learn how to quit smoking, check out the CDC's page. Download the file or view it in a larger interface here.